Containment for a Collapsible Tank

Secondary Containment Berms and Liners

Question: Hello, I am wondering about secondary containment for collapsible tanks. I am thinking about getting a smaller tank to store fuel, but I would like to have some kind of containment around it. Are there any options available?

Answer: There are several different options you could consider for secondary containment around a collapsible tank. If you are specifically looking for something that could contain the contents of your tank, one of the most commonly chosen spill containment products is the secondary containment berm.

Ultra Secondary Containment Berms

secondary containment for collapsible tanksA secondary containment berm is basically a liner system with a built-in wall. These walls will vary in style, but can include aluminum angle walls, foam walls, or air walls. Walls are typically shorter in height (around one foot) but are designed to offer successful containment around a tank.

Berms have successfully been used as secondary containment for:

  • Storage Tanks
  • 55 Gallon Drums
  • Large Collapsible Tanks
  • Machinery and Equipment
  • Vehicles

Tanks and other products can be directed onto the berm through a drive through or lifting process. These berms are extremely flexible and can be used to hold multiple liquids such as water, fracking fluids, chemicals, and hydrocarbons. Some advantages to a berm includes:

  • Easy to Transport
  • Wide Range of Fabric Options
  • Multiple Wall Options to Meet Site Requirements
  • Effectively Contains Large Amounts of Liquid
  • Drive Through Ability
  • Can be Constructed to Almost Any Size

When requesting a berm, please make sure that you specify the exact type of liquid you are needing to contain. Often, an MSDS (material safety data sheet) may be requested to ensure compatibility with your liquid. When quoting your berm, care is always taken to help make sure that the berm is fully equipped to handle your liquid.

Other Containment Options

In addition to a berm, customers also frequently implement the use of a liner or ground cloth.

ground clothThese materials can be used as a protective layer underneath your tank to prevent liquids from contaminating surrounding areas. Liners are additionally made in several thicknesses and fabrics to meet your requirements.

Learn more about Containment Products that can be used as secondary containment for collapsible tanks.