Flexible Fuel Tanks for Tank Farm Style Storage

Pillow Tanks for Diesel Fuel Storage

Question: I am looking into the idea of a fuel pillow tank farm project. I am specifically interested in the idea of using these tanks for storing different types of fuel as a kind of alternative to the standard tank farm. Is there any information on the longevity of these flexible fuel tanks? If the tanks were housed in a protective covered area, would they have an increased longevity?

Answer: Fuel Bladder Tanks can be used in a tank farm style setup and are a suitable choice for fast setup, decreased transportation, and large storage capacities. In general, the longevity of your flexible fuel bladder will depend on several different factors including the storage space, outdoor conditions and type of liquid you are intending to contain. Please note that when storing fuel, flexible fuel tanks should only be used for Jet A or diesel fuels, not gasoline.

Bladder Fuel Tank Fabrics

farm tankPillow tanks offered on this site are typically made from medium grade, commercial grade, or industrial grade fabric. Each fabric corresponds to a general contact time.

The contact time is not a designed to put a life span on your collapsible fuel bladder, but rather to indicate the point in time where the fabric used for your tanks may start to change based on interactions with the stored liquid. Tanks have often lasted well beyond the contact time, but it can offer a basis for the storage requirements of your tank farm project.

  • Medium Grade Fabric: Contact Time of up to 1 year
  • Commercial Grade Fabric: Contact Time of 3 to 5 years
  • Industrial Grade Fabric: Contact Time of up to 7 years

Housing your flexible fuel tanks in a type of protective cover may help to protect the exterior from wear and tear as well as several different outdoor elements. However, it will have no bearing on the interior of the bladder fuel tank. Specifically, it will not change the processes and changes that occur in the tank due to being in constant contact with fuel. For safety reasons, the pillow tanks should be inspected regularly for any changes.

Collapsible Fuel Bladder Advantages

Flexible fuel tanks have been successfully used as a fuel pillow tank setup for the storage of Jet A and diesel fuels. This storage is often referred to as a fuel farm setup and has been implemented in locations that require a large amount of fuel storage. Advantages to using these flexible fuel bladders over the standard model can include the following:

  • Increased Storage Capacities (up to 250,000 gallons)
  • Lowered Shipping and Transportation Costs (tanks fold flat when empty)
  • Fast Setup on Site
  • Large Range of Available Fittings
  • Flexible for Areas with Limited Space

Looking for a safer, long-lasting way to store fuel? Visit the Steel Storage Tank site. We also have options for storing different types of fuels.

Questions? We can help! Call Collapsible Pillow Tank at 1-863-261-8388 or fill out our quote request form to discuss your fuel requirements.